Saturday, June 19, 2004

we exist!

from a message from jason:

>we haven't filled the form in yet

Well, no need to now really. That form is more for "unsolicited" proposals for chapters.

We should, however, get your web space/info set up as a well as a folder in our online forums, etc...

and a reminder too:

Ya, great to see all the notes. Very exciting. I would just warn to keep things relatively simple to start. Doing too much might prematurely burnout the volunteers and may overwhelm/confuse the community. Remember, this is
something you want to be able to do on a semi-regular basis (ie, every month, or every other month...).

And, I will reiterate that the focus should first be on bringing the pro community together. Once you've created an environment that is welcoming to
the pros, everyone else will be attracted - without risk of losing the pros. You don't want a situation where the pros show up at the first
meeting, say "this is a bunch of students, amateurs, teachers, gov folks and other folks" and then never show up again... It is a tough thing to


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